Company Info

  • Est. 2001
  • Size 5-9 Employees
  • Annual Vol $500,000 - $1 million
  • DUNS # 005313231

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Fairleigh Wada Witt Telephone System Installation

Project Information

Project Location:
Portland, OR
Approx Contract:
Completed - Nov 2015
Structure Type:
Office Building


Farleigh Wada Witt Law Firm

Scope Of Work

America's Phone Guys has been keeping the old Toshiba telephone system at Farleigh Wada Witt going since we started doing business with them in 2004.  Somewhere around 2010 we upgraded their Voicemail System to a more modern version that enabled them to put off upgrading the whole system & all of the phones until 2015.  In October we installed the newest of Panasonic's Business Telephone Systems that will allow them to utilize all of the most modern communications technology.  They are actually considered a Beta Test site for this phone system and will be helping Panasonic perfect their newest Converged IP PBX (a combination of an onsite digital and Internet based telephone switch).  This Panasonic Business Telephone System has nearly 70 telephone extensions (it can support up to 1,000 extensions) and comes complete with built in Voicemail.  The newest in telephony features are also included such as the ability to use VoIP telephone lines (reducing the cost of their phone bills), voicemail to email for phone messages, find-me-follow-me features so that attorneys can be reached if needed without giving out their cell phone numbers, advanced call queuing, an integrated fax server, point & click call control, and much more.   The system supports PRI connections, traditional POTS line connections and VoIP telephone technologies.  It really is the latest & greatest & they are so happy with their new upgraded telecommunications technology!



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