
Celerity Integrated Services, Inc.


Quakertown, PA 18951

Company Info

  • Est. 2002
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed


By: Celerity Integrated Services, Inc.
August 2017

Celerity Vice President, Deron Leight, participated in the 2017 Hockey Fights MS Charity Tournament August 10th through 13th at the Steel Ice Center in Bethlehem. Hockey Fights MS is an organization whose mission is to raise money and awareness of the cause, cure and treatment of multiple sclerosis as well as improve the lives of those with the disease.

“I greatly appreciate all of the support, well wishes and donations to this year’s Hockey Fights MS Charity Tournament and Fundraiser,” said Deron Leight, VP of Celerity. “Our team, Chico’s Bail Bonds, is currently sitting in 1st place for the fundraising competition with nearly $3500 raised.  Thank you!!!”


“As for the hockey competition, we did not fare as well.  We ended with a 1-3 record in what was a very evenly matched division.  Our lone win was a 5-1 blowout and we should have saved some of those goals for our 3 losses as they were all very close one goal games.  We showed a lot of heart (for a bunch of old guys) by overcoming a 3 goal deficit in the 3rd period of Saturday night’s game to come up just short, resulting in a 5-4 loss.  Sunday’s consolation game also proved to be a nail biter as we tied the game at 2 with just minutes left in the final period.  The game proceeded to a shootout, where our chance at victory was foiled by some very good moves by the opposing team.  Friday night’s opening game was a 2-1 loss to the team that ended up winning our division.  It was a competitive division and any of our losses could have been victories with a favorable bounce of the puck.  Regardless of our record, it was a very fun-filled weekend.”

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