
Celerity Integrated Services, Inc.


Quakertown, PA 18951

Company Info

  • Est. 2002
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed


By: Celerity Integrated Services, Inc.
May 2018

Celerity's Deron Leight participated in three speaking engagements at KINBERCON 2018. KINBERCON is an event that brings Pennsylvania professionals in education, economic development, healthcare, libraries, government, and related fields to share ideas and success stories. KINBERCON was held April 23-25 in Harrisburg, PA at the Sheraton Harriburg-Hershey hotel.

On April 24th, Deron Leight presented a case study, “Building a Private On-Campus Fiber Network” which explains the process of building a private on-campus fiber network where the steps of the Lehigh University project were highlighted. To read the full case study, click here. In addition to the Fiber Network case study, Leight sat on the “Last Mile: Making the Connection” panel. The Last Mile panel was an open conversation to discuss attendee questions relating to fiber optic solutions.

On April 25th, Leight participated as one of four speakers on the Fiber to the Edge: How Infrastructure Connects Communities panel. This workshop presented tools and strategies to better understand how to fund, build and wireless connect institutions to the greater community.

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