
Athens Building Corporation

Richmond, VA 23224

Company Info

  • Est. 1997
  • Size 10-19 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed
  • DUNS # 964497288

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Wellesley Terrace

Project Information

Project Location:
Henrico, VA
Structure Type:
Misc Project

Scope Of Work

We pride ourselves to work with corporate-owned apartment communities to support their residents’ living spaces in creating the right living environments. We work closely to support project management teams and on-site property managers to create budget conscience solutions to remodel, repair and revitalize properties from smaller to larger-scale communities. Services include interior and exterior remodeling and new construction of on-site building structures. We focus on your goals in satisfying your residents. We work closely with your property and project management staff to maximize scheduled work flow to meet critical pre-lease schedules.

Our past performance and dedication allows us to help you keep your costs down. Our understanding of the unique relationship between the leasing timelines and vacancies allow us to create workable solutions with our clients for their residents’ conveniences and satisfaction

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