
Branch Builds


Roanoke, VA 24012

Company Info

  • Est. 1963
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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West Ox Bus Operations Center

Project Information

Project Location:
Fairfax, VA
Structure Type:
Auto Dealership / Service


Fairfax County DPWES
Michael Baker Jr, Inc.

Scope Of Work

This project is a multi-delivery expansion of facilities at the Fairfax  West Ox Bus Maintenance Operations site. This site provides operations and maintenance services for the Fairfax Connector and WMATA Metro Buses in the western part of the . It serves as a base for drivers, before and between shifts and has bays for service and repair of buses along with cleaning and washing which are performed on every bus, nightly.

Increasing needs for additional capacity were the driver for this project, that consists of three distinct deliveries, a steel structured, masonry and metal panel 26,000sf, 9 bay addition to the maintenance building, a 3,000sf addition to driver lounges at the operations building and the construction of 60 additional parking spaces, to accommodate requirements associated with the expansion. The maintenance building addition replicates the architecture of the existing building and provides a bay for an undercarriage wash, bays with recessed vehicle lifts, storage for parts, office space, and a communications center. The addition includes an overhead crane along providing for vehicle exhaust extraction, compressed air, lube and lift equipment. The driver’s lounge addition is a steel structure with masonry façade that provides additional showers, lockers, and quiet rooms. The initial on-site delivery was the construction of the new parking spaces, which allowed additional space at the site to perform the required additions. The additional contract scope includes a 2,500sf masonry storage building, replacement of a generator and installation of an additional bus wash at the existing wash building.

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