
Branch Builds


Roanoke, VA 24012

Company Info

  • Est. 1963
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Moore’s Lake Apartments

Project Information

Project Location:
Chester, VA
Structure Type:
Apartments & Condominiums


Moore's Lake Apartments, LLC
Poole & Poole Architecture

Scope Of Work

Branch was selected to serve as the Construction Manager on this dynamic apartment project via a competitive bid/qualifications-based procurement process. The contract was awarded following multiple preconstruction value analysis sessions that resulted in an end product that met the owner’s budgetary, density and quality requirements. The project primarily involves the construction of two 4-story, 100-unit apartment buildings, each approximately 140,000sf, with parking areas, an exterior pool, walkways and landscaping. It also includes two 1-story garages, each approximately 3,600sf located in the parking lot of Building Two. The multifaceted project requires the construction of a road from Jefferson Davis Highway to the Moore’s Lake Apartments parking entrances, with a separate connection to an existing cul-de-sac. Branch has implemented an accelerated construction schedule to meet the owner’s strict occupancy deadline.

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