
Dacon Corp.


Natick, MA 01760

Company Info

  • Est. 1985
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Senior Metal Bellows

Project Information

Project Location:
Sharon, MA
Approx Contract:
Structure Type:
Manufacturing Plant

Scope Of Work


Servicing the defense, aerospace, oil, gas, medical and semiconductor manufacturing industries, SMB’s products traverse the toughest atmospheric conditions. Renown for creating high durability products for demanding environments, an increase in sales necessitated expanding their 50-year location to include additional manufacturing and office facilities.

Design Build Value

This addition consists of a first-floor manufacturing space with a second-story open floor plan for corporate offices, full-service lunchroom and anterior entrance. Both buildings will be joined by a 32 FT shaded glass atrium providing westerly views. Several years in planning, this expansion provides maximum build out on the site, ensuring a continued future.

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