
Omega Construction, Inc.


Winston Salem, NC 27103

Company Info

  • Est. 1975
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol $1 million - $3 million

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Gray Stone Day School

Project Information

Project Location:
Misenheimer, NC
Structure Type:
School / College / University


Tony Chilton, AIA

Scope Of Work

Sq. Footage: 63,400 SF

The Gray Stone Day School first phase involved construction of a 52,968 square foot school facility consisting of a large gymnasium, assembly area, administrative area, and a classroom wing. The second phase, which was completed in Spring 2013, expanded the facility to approximately 63,400 square feet and included a new 50-seat lecture hall, six additional classrooms, a teacher’s workroom, computer server room, storage room, and new restroom facilities. The newly completed facility will provide space for approximately 450 students in a state of the art high school.

Lee Cook, Vice President of Omega and Randy Kilts, Omega’s Superintendent for the project, worked diligently to make sure this project was completed on time and within budget. Helen Nance, Chief Administrative Officer of Gray Stone Day School said, “Here at Gray Stone, we tend to expect excellence from our faculty, staff, and students, and therefore expect excellence from vendors of products and service. With Omega, we certainly received this excellence and have been very pleased with the experience and the end product.”

Omega Construction, Inc. and Gray Stone Day School will continue to work closely together on future construction projects to further develop the school’s vision.

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