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Aluminium Roof Coating on Flat

Project Information

Project Location:
Chicago, IL
Completed - Oct 2022
Structure Type:
Office Building
Products Used:
Employment Agencies:
Roofing Contractors
Flat Roofing
Skilled Roofing Labor
Skilled And Trained Workforce
All Roofing Types
Gutters & Downspouts:
Roofing Contractors
Flat Roofing
Skilled Roofing Labor
Skilled And Trained Workforce
All Roofing Types
Roofing Contractors:
Roofing Contractors
Flat Roofing
Skilled Roofing Labor
Skilled And Trained Workforce
All Roofing Types
Siding Contractors:
Roofing Contractors
Flat Roofing
Skilled Roofing Labor
Skilled And Trained Workforce
All Roofing Types
Services Rendered:
Employment Agencies:
Roofing Contractors
Flat Roofing
Skilled Roofing Labor
Skilled And Trained Workforce
All Roofing Types
Gutters & Downspouts:
Roofing Contractors
Flat Roofing
Skilled Roofing Labor
Skilled And Trained Workforce
All Roofing Types
Roofing Contractors:
Roofing Contractors
Flat Roofing
Skilled Roofing Labor
Skilled And Trained Workforce
All Roofing Types
Siding Contractors:
Roofing Contractors
Flat Roofing
Skilled Roofing Labor
Skilled And Trained Workforce
All Roofing Types

Scope Of Work

For this Aluminum Roof Coating Installation we show you all parts of the process. Initially, we tear off the old roof system. Then, prepare the roof for the new paint. Finally, we apply  it to all the flat roof area. Check out the detailed process we follow below:

  • Aluminum Roof Coating Process:
  • Preparation: Basically, the first step is to prepare the roof for the coating. This involves the need to clean the roof surface, remove any loose debris, repare any damaged areas, and ensure that the roof is dry.
  • Primer application: The next step is to apply a primer to the roof surface. The primer helps to promote adhesion of the aluminum coating and enhances its durability. Apply a primer to the roof surface to promote adhesion of the aluminum coating and enhance its durability. Apply the primer with a sprayer or roller.
  • Aluminum coating  application: Apply the aluminum coating in two or more coats, allowing each coat to dry before applying the next. Apply the coating with a sprayer, roller, or brush.
  • Inspection: Roof surface inspection through out the area. Coating application should be even to consider it completed.
  • Clean up: Finally, clean up any tools and equipment used in the installation process and dispose of any waste materials properly.

Additionally, our team of professional roofing contractors can help ensure  the installation of your Aluminium Roof Coating is done safely and effectively. Note that the exact process may vary depending on the specific roof and coating product being used. As well as any local regulations or building codes that apply. Overall, we recommend to consult with our team to receive a customized and accurate overview of the installation process for your roof.

Check out when it is the best to apply coating to your roof. NRCA explains it in detail here. Our team also has great experience with Mod-bit, EPDM and TPO you can see the projects we have completed under those roofing systems too. Partner up with Slog Group!

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