
Drone Brothers

Troy, MI 48084

Company Info

  • Est. 2012
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Ryan Companies - Project Arrow

Project Information

Project Location:
Minneapolis, MN
Completed - Jun 2020
Structure Type:
Office Building


General Contractor:
Ryan Companies

Scope Of Work

From commercial real estate project conception to completion and beyond, Ryan Companies puts their hearts into creating spaces that bring your story to life. Here’s how our drone services helped them improve job site management.

Drones are transforming the way construction job sites are managed. From keeping tracking of week-to-week job site progress, to measuring stockpiles with sophisticated drone analytics, construction companies like Ryan Companies are loving what drones can do to improve job site management.

From an operational perspective, construction businesses that manage job sites across the country are faced with the challenge of finding local drone pilots and then managing those relationships at the local level. One of the benefits Ryan Companies enjoys by working with Drone Bros is our nationwide network of FAA certified drone pilots, resulting in only one vendor relationship to manage for multiple job sites.

The benefits from a cost and operation perspective are tremendous. Ryan Companies can manage drone photos, videos and maps via one vendor (Drone Bros) instead of having to find and hire different vendors for every location. In addition, with Drone Bros’ sophisticated file sharing and analytics platform, accessing important drone data for jobs across the country is extremely simple.

By working with just one drone company on multiple projects around the country, Ryan Companies was able to save in time and cost while getting consistent and effective drone content.

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