
Deep Design Studio, Inc.


Chicago, IL 60606

Company Info

  • Est. 2017
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed
  • DUNS # 08-533-8459

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Xylem Office Building

Project Information

Project Location:
Morton Grove, IL
Structure Type:
Office Building

Scope Of Work

Project Size: ~20,000 square feet

Scope of Work: The Xylem office building in Morton Grove was undergoing renovation work and in order for the  to begin the design process, accurate as-builts were of the office space were needed. 3D surveying was the only feasible and affordable method to document the building accurately with the least amount of impact on the staff.

Results: Deep Design Studio documented all the office space and developed a 3D model for the  along with CAD export. The model was quickly used to develop a new design for the office space, which was further used to generate photorealist renderings of the design layout for the office.

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