
Deep Design Studio, Inc.


Chicago, IL 60606

Company Info

  • Est. 2017
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed
  • DUNS # 08-533-8459

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Davis Building Metropalitian Retail Garage

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Retail Store

Scope Of Work

Project Size: ~40,000 square feet

Scope of Work: 5g Studio needed an accurate Revit model of a retail garage that the firm was redesigning. The concrete building had retail spaces on part of the first and second floor and the entire lower level, and the rest was parking garage with different sloping ramps and exposed structure that needed documentation. Deep Design Studio (DDS) was hired to scan the entire lower level, first floor, second floor, and garage top floors as well as the core stairwells and exterior façade. The scans needed to be registered together to form a single unified point cloud to be inserted into Revit for accurate modeling and CAD exporting.

Deliverable: DDS was able to finish all the necessary scanning and registering in 6 days and once the unified point cloud was created it took another 5-6 weeks to develop a complete Revit model of all scanned areas including the different sloping ramps and unique façade. The Revit model was developed to a 300 level of detail and was well received by the .

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