
Proline Services

Austin, TX 78747

Company Info

  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed
  • DUNS # 080497744

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Project Information

Project Location:
Pflugerville, TX
Approx Contract:
Structure Type:
Retail Store


General Contractor:
Robinson Construction Co

Scope Of Work

The Costco project was an extensive cleaning job that was completed in sections over a few weeks as different areas of construction were completed. We did surface cleaning to newly poured concrete to remove all topical dust and dirt from construction process. Acid washed all the brick on the structure, removed paint spills, floating stains ect. & cleaned all expansions joints out in preparation for joint sealing. 

This project was one we were extremely proud of, we were called in an emergency situation to get the work done. The original sub-contractor that was awarded the job did not show up. On short notice with limited run time each week due to scheduled construction projects, we were able to work as a team and complete this job in a timely manner with out hindering our final results. The GC was satisfied with our work and commitment. We latter then were subbed by other subs to get various pressure washing projects done throughout the remainder of the building project. 

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