
Trux, Inc.

Waltham, MA 02451

Company Info

  • Est. 2015
  • Size 50-99 Employees

Dump Truck Driving is Stressful – But It’s Not All Bad

By: TRUX Team
March 2019

Dump truck driving is stressful - but it's not all bad

If you’re looking for dump truck jobs for the first time, you may be concerned about how stressful this line of work can be. Even if you’ve had other truck driving jobs, driving a dump truck is unique. Not only do you need to deliver loads, but you also need to have the skill to operate your truck.

Not to mention, you’re also subject to the weather, traffic, the unruliness of job sites, and the demands of your employers. To pile onto that, if you’re an independent dump truck driver, you also need to think about where your next job is coming from.


It’s Not All Bad

Most truck drivers will tell you that truck driving is a lifestyle, whether you’re working as an over the road trucker, an LTL freight driver, or a dump truck driver. It’s not for everyone, but those who pursue it with a passion can find it both fulfilling and profitable.

Here are just a few of the pros and cons of being a dump truck driver:


  • Solid pay: The pay rate for dump truck drivers is stronger than positions in other industries. Some contractors can earn extra depending on the company that hires them, the job at hand, and the hours they put in.
  • Less travel: Also, unlike other types of truck driving, you won’t have to travel as far away from home. Most of your jobs will be local, which means you’ll be closer to your family.
  • High demand: Finally, there’s a high demand for dump truck drivers. In fact, the U.S. has a massive shortage of truck drivers in general. By 2026, the country will be short 175,000 drivers if trends continue.

As demand continues to increase, employers will continue to increase their offers. Truck drivers of all types are essential, so most companies will be willing to compete for them.


  • Repetition: Dump truck driving can be repetitive. If you accept a job that lasts several months, you’ll likely be driving the same route and doing the same tasks every day. Of course, some people prefer that kind of stability.
  • Finding consistent work: If you work as an independent dump truck driver, finding dump truck work can sometimes be challenging. Most dump truck drivers rely on companies they’ve worked with previously to find jobs.
  • Too much solitude: Finally, operating a dump truck can sometimes get lonely. Even if you work locally and can go home every night, you’ll likely be spending a lot of time alone in your truck.


Overcoming the Stress of Dump Truck Driving

You may be a lone eagle on the road, but you are not alone in facing the struggles that come with dump truck driving. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can overcome the stress, without taking much time out of your day at all.

Here are some tried and tested activities that have worked within our trucking community:

  • Lower your caffeine intake
  • Listen to music or a podcast you love
  • Walk your dog
  • Play with your kids
  • Get together with friends
  • Play/coach a sports team
  • Get outside


As Industry Veterans, We’re Here for You

If you’re stressed about finding your next dump truck driving job, there are plenty of online job boards and apps that can help you connect with new opportunities. Some apps, like TRUX, help to connect dump truck drivers and construction firms, material producers, and other types of employers. Instead of chasing after jobs day in and day out, just log on and let the jobs come to you.


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