
Trux, Inc.

Waltham, MA 02451

Company Info

  • Est. 2015
  • Size 50-99 Employees

Dump Trucks Get a Tech Face Lift

By: TRUX Team
June 2019

The dump truck industry is undergoing a major makeover. Your truck is a reflection of yourself and you want it to be dependable and sleek. Manufacturers want to impress with new tech-friendly features from better tire pressure monitoring to collision mitigation and advanced safety systems, dump trucks are getting overhauled. Manufacturers like International, Kenworth, Western Star, and Freightliner take this trend seriously and are starting to include advanced technologies to make it easier and safer for truckers to complete their work, even the tough work required from dump truck haulers.

The Rise of Telematics

Vocational truck manufacturers take advantage of modern visibility tools. With new and exciting tracking systems that have come out in recent years, tracking is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was. Telematics monitors timely deliveries of perishable payloads and measures fleet efficiencies daily. The rise of telematics is just the start of being able to more accurately track, monitor, and measure activity.

Stepping Up Safety Features

The top concern for most dump truck fleets is driver safety. New safety design ranges from step and grab-handle packages, advanced interactive driver assistance, to collision mitigation. More sophisticated offerings include limiting a dump truck’s speed to 5 mph if the dump body is raised. Additionally, the automated manual transmission allows disabling the gear if a crane boom is extended.

Connecting the Cab and Body

Modern dump trucks allow you to connect the cab to the body. You can operate between the two through a dashboard in the cab, making it easier for a driver to have insight into the full operations of their vehicle. With these changes, drivers can operate things like tarps from the ground. There’s a growing need for truck bodies to be able to communicate and some of the top manufacturers are getting great at building this into the trucks themselves.

Tying It All Together

Telematics help track, monitor and measure fleet efficiencies. Safety features make dump trucks more dependable. Connecting cab and body allow for more effective operation and communication. The construction industry is getting an overall facelift. However, this is really just the start. Tools like TRUX are using technology to create a digital bridge to a more connected construction community. Rather than focusing on only one facet of a complex industry, TRUX takes a holistic approach to build technology connecting dump truck drivers with contractors and material producers. Interested in learning more? Click on the link below to sign up for a free demo.

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