
Trux, Inc.

Waltham, MA 02451

Company Info

  • Est. 2015
  • Size 50-99 Employees

What Do I Need a Dump Truck For?

By: TRUX Team
July 2019

Each job needs the right dump truck. Different projects require different dump trucks. Some dump trucks specialize in aggregate work, while others are needed for chip paving or live materials. Whatever contracting or material producing needs, we’ve outlined the right dump truck.

Picking the Right Dump Truck

Across the country, different dump trucks are used for different applications. For example, a side dump is often used for aggregate work in places like Colorado. Side dumps make it easy to load and unload large aggregates because aerodynamically, it’s easier to unload from the side rather than from behind. Plus, material producers need a lot of space to unload that kind of material, since natural aggregates are so big.

However, the likelihood of seeing a side dump in metropolitan areas is slim to none. Urban or crowded areas are perfect for trucks like end dumps. An end-dump isn’t built for that load capacity since loads from an end-dump are for confined spaces. We find tri-axles and end-dump trucks in Massachusetts since they’re needed for construction work like demo removal that is usually less than 40 yards. 

The need for small or medium-sized landscaping projects around the country requires a different type of dump truck. A 10-wheeler will often fit the bill to haul material like soil and fertilizer. However, if a larger or smaller truck is needed, count on a belly dump or bob tail (6-wheeler). Finally, consider a quint if looking to haul lighter materials like animal feed and soil for work in the farming industry. 

Picking the Right Body Type

Contractors and material producers want to make sure their dump truck has the right body, or else risk doing some serious damage to an investment. The two main body types a dump truck could have are steel and aluminum. Steel is great for diversifying work. Even though these bodies aren’t as fuel efficient, material producers and contractors often prefer a steel body on every truck they work with because with a steel body, more demolitions and haul recycled materials can get done. On the other hand, aluminum is great for new materials like sand and stone. If contractors and material producers are hauling lighter materials like soil, then an aluminum body is a great fit for their truck.

Fulfill Trucking Needs with TRUX

Each truck has a specific purpose. Getting the right dump truck for the needs of the project at hand isn’t always easy. However, there are new technological tools that make finding the right truck for a project a breeze. Tools like TRUX match contractors and material producers with third-party haulers. Simply input the needs of the job, and the truck type needed and we find the trucks! Want to learn more? Just click on the link below!

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