Company Info

  • Est. 2011
  • Size 5-9 Employees
  • DUNS # 968281068

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National Grid - Restroom Renovations - Melville, Brentwood, NY

Project Information

Project Location:
Melville & Brentwood, NY
Completed - May 2023
Structure Type:
Services Rendered:
Safety Consultants--Training/Inspections:
Site-Specific Health & Safety
Safety Consultations
Jobsite Safety Inspections
Construction Site Safety Manager


National Grid
General Contractor:
Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL)

Scope Of Work

This project was one of several at National Grid's offices and service buildings where the restrooms underwent renovation. Renovation involved installation of temporary restroom and shower facilities, demolition of existing restrooms and construction of new ones all in fully functioning operating facilities. Our client, VRD needed a Board of Certified Safety Professional credentialed Safety Manager to ensure their pre-approved health and safety plan was followed. Our Construction Health and Safety Technicians (CHST) Safety Managers ensured VRD's health and safety plan was followed as well as maintaining OSHA standards for construction. Our approach from the start was to coach the workforce towards compliance. Each new worker attended a new-to-the-job orientation where the ground rules of safety were presented and numbered hard hat decal issued. What did we do differently? We're never the PPE Police! Our Safety Managers treated everyone on the job with respect that resulted in a trusting relationship. That said, we did "drop the hammer" when workers repeatedly failed to comply following correction. More importantly, we generated a daily Job Hazard Analysis and a Job Safety Brief both with attendance sheets for each tradesmen. We then reviewed their contents with the tradesmen at shape-up and got workers to sign off. Every daily inspection was documented in our Job Site Safety Report that referenced appropriate OSHA sub parts, and spelled out corrective actions in plain English when needed along with an time entry activity log. These documents were provided by our client to JLL and in turn National Grid. We believe our presence had a great impact on worker safety and injury prevention, so much so that JLLs' Safety Professional was heard to remark often during his weekly visits, we were the only project out of many where he never had unsafe findings!

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