
MTAC Industrial Solutions, Inc.

Plainfield, IN 46168

Company Info

  • Est. 1999
  • Size 5-9 Employees
  • Annual Vol $1 million - $3 million

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Fillfulment Center

Project Information

Project Location:
Plainfield, IN
Completed - Sep 2016
Structure Type:
Storage Facility / Warehouse

Scope Of Work

VNA Racking

Determining the ideal aisle width for your pallet rack system involves a lot of factors. In Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) pallet rack systems, the space between parallel rack units is reduced by around 40%. These VNA pallet rack systems provide a significant reduction in floor space and generally reduce costs of warehousing. However, transitioning to a VNA system can be a daunting project.

How can we help?

We partner with clients to design and install a VNA system that optimizes the available warehouse space and maximizes the utilization of current racking. We then transfer the old system to the new aisle locations. In addition, we can build new aisles as appropriate to meet the project requirements.

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