
M.A. Mortenson Co.


McLean, VA 22102

Company Info

  • Est. 1954
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

Featured Project Return to Projects List

National Jewish Health Center for Outpatient Health

Project Information

Project Location:
Denver, CO
Completed - Dec 2021
Structure Type:
Hospital / Nursing Home

Scope Of Work

National Jewish is the leading respiratory hospital in the nation and has seen a substantial increase in visits over the last decade. The new five-story Center for Outpatient Health is designed to help serve increasing numbers of children and adults, while also providing expanded space for research and education, and other clinical services on the campus. Mortenson completed the $71.7 million, 104,350-square-foot facility in December 2021.

Early on, Mortenson Development Inc. (MDI) team worked with National Jewish on a financing strategy and identified a cost-effective, efficient and transparent solution to finance the project via a tax-exempt bond structure specifically for nonprofit healthcare providers that kept the project moving forward. From there, the construction team helped keep the project on track, despite working in the midst of the pandemic.

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