
M.A. Mortenson Co.


McLean, VA 22102

Company Info

  • Est. 1954
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Candelas Medical Office

Project Information

Project Location:
Arvada, CO
Completed - Jul 2021
Structure Type:
Medical Office

Scope Of Work

SCL Health has chosen Mortenson Development, Inc. (MDI) for the selection of a qualified developer/builder for Candelas Medical Offices, a medical office building totaling up to 44,300 square feet on Candelas Parkway and within close proximity to an estimated 4,300 new homes that are currently under construction. The site is also located near Indiana Parkway, which has an estimated traffic count of 16,000-17,000 cars daily. The Mortenson team performed site planning and design services for the overall development, including all city approvals. This is an exciting new project for Mortenson to act in a developer/owner capacity for one of Denver’s longest healthcare clients. The requirements and resources necessary to successfully deliver healthcare services continue to evolve at a rapid pace, now more than ever. The population in this market area is changing quickly along with many different demographic factors. The ways in which people prefer to consume healthcare services, much like products and services from other industries, ranging from strong preferences for traditional environments to increased desire for experiences that leverage technologies bridge distance. For this reason, SCL Health and MDI believe that in a world that is becoming more virtual, despite a strong need for people to be together, creating ‘place’ and establishing that trusted sense of ‘place’ is critical to providing mission-driven, comprehensive and compassionate care solutions. This project represents the first of hopefully many new medical office buildings that SCL Health will use to expand their network of care that provides flexibility in design while still maintaining that trusted sense of place that patients of SCL Health have come to expect. 

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