
The Ambient Group LLC


Sewell, NJ 08080

Company Info

  • Est. 2007
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Waterfront South Rain Gardens

Project Information

Project Location:
Camden, NJ
Structure Type:
Misc Project

Scope Of Work

The site was a former gas station which was contaminated with petroleum compounds due to leaking underground storage tanks. The scope of work included the remediation of contaminated soil, construction of a clean soil cap and construction of the Green Gateway Park rain garden.  Approximately 300 tons of contaminated soil were excavated, loaded and disposed of at an approved facility and approximately 1,200 cubic yards of soil were excavated and stockpiled at a nearby CCMUA owned property for future use. The site was backfilled with certified clean fill, topsoil, a custom rain garden soil blend and mulch. The construction of the park included the installation of new sidewalks, curbs, trench drains, decorative fencing, bollards, gravel pathways, concrete pavers, stone river channels, four rain garden basins and extensive plantings and landscaping. The rain garden park accepts runoff from the surrounding streets, which then infiltrates into the ground, rather than being added to the municipal storm sewer system which can become overloaded during heavy rain events.

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