
Course Construction Group


Houston, TX 77003

Company Info

  • Est. 2015
  • Size 5-9 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Commerce Center

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Storage Facility / Warehouse


Method Architecture

Scope Of Work

EaDo Warehouse Adaptive Re-Use Renovation

Located in the up-and-coming East Downtown neighborhood of Houston, Commerce Center is a modern warehouse that both fits and brightens the community. The lot initially had two large warehouses, one of which was removed and replaced with an expansive parking lot of 200 spots. In the remaining building, we replaced the insulation and ran plumbing from the opposite street through the massive building to allow for multiple tenants, which required a complex bore. The team also painted the interior metal skeleton an eye-popping blue. In it’s entirety, the build took a total of six months to complete.

But the work doesn’t stop there. Two tenants will be entering the warehouse in the next few months, including a co-working space, Common Desk, who has hired Course Construction for their first of two Houston locations. Common Desk is a co-working office space that offers attractive amenities to it’s members, including coffee, on-site fitness, and a hospitality-oriented staff, culture, and technology. The build will feature an outdoor patio and sectioned meeting areas. A new “cidery” will also be brewing in the space next door.

Exterior Ipe’ Rainscreen was installed by cornice sub-contractor and layout was coordinated by Course Construction personnel.

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