
AZ Polished Concrete

Phoenix, AZ 85015

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Aligned Energy

Project Information

Project Location:
Phoenix, AZ
Approx Contract:
Completed - Oct 2020
Structure Type:
Data Centers - Mission Critical
Products Used:
Floor Treatments/Coatings/Preservatives:
Polished Concrete
Concrete Floor Polishing
Concrete Floor Sealing
Commercial Concrete Floors
Industrial Flooring:
Polished Concrete
Concrete Floor Polishing
Concrete Floor Sealing
Commercial Concrete Floors
Seamless Floors:
Polished Concrete
Concrete Floor Polishing
Concrete Floor Sealing
Commercial Concrete Floors
Concrete Polishing:
Polished Concrete
Concrete Floor Polishing
Concrete Floor Sealing
Commercial Concrete Floors
Services Rendered:
Floor Treatments/Coatings/Preservatives:
Polished Concrete
Concrete Floor Polishing
Concrete Floor Sealing
Commercial Concrete Floors
Industrial Flooring:
Polished Concrete
Concrete Floor Polishing
Concrete Floor Sealing
Commercial Concrete Floors
Seamless Floors:
Polished Concrete
Concrete Floor Polishing
Concrete Floor Sealing
Commercial Concrete Floors
Concrete Polishing:
Polished Concrete
Concrete Floor Polishing
Concrete Floor Sealing


General Contractor:
Turner Construction
Aligned Energy

Scope Of Work

Due to the client's request to not capture any photos of the project, we are unable to post any. But all of this information can be verified through the GC.

  • What was the scope of this project?
  1. Polish 44,000 square feet of concrete for a data center. 
  • What challenges did AZPC overcome?
  1. AZPC overcame quite a few challenges as the parameters were tight: time constraint, floor condition was rough and required extensive remediation prior to polishing, big campus with limited access, client enforced tight covid safety requirements that challenged the way we perform our work as a team, fluid schedule and scope as energy testing required laying cables directly in our path of polishing with no option to delay polishing. 
  • What unique solutions did AZPC provide?
  1. Through strategy and coordination with the Turner team, we drafted a schedule and allocated additional resources to enable us to meet the client deadline.
  2. The extensive floor remediation was addressed by brainstorming internally with our crew members. The end result was using a joint pump to output the viscous repair material, resulting in a significantly faster repair process. 
  3. We carried out frequent team meetings to remind our team about the client covid requirements. 
  4. We had to shift our original plan for polishing from trowel polishing to planetary to accommodate the power bank testing that limited access to our path of work. We were able to execute this shift 3/4 of the way through the project to finish and meet the client's time requirement.
  • How did the client/customer react to the finished work?
  1. Both the GC and the end client were happy and satisfied with the work. It was an exciting project for AZPC to be part of. 
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