
Day & Zimmerman, Inc.


Greenville, SC 29615

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  • Est. 1901
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Department of Defense Security

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Scope Of Work

SOC excels in the delivery of security in expeditionary and austere environments, and we appreciate the opportunity to deploy with our U.S. military to help augment their critical missions.  For example, on the heels of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2004, we were immediately called to provide static and perimeter security, equipment procurement, mobilization, transition, and other essential requirements to augment security operations at four different U.S. military bases spread across that country.  SOC mobilized more than 10,000 security professionals in short fashion to ensure that our U.S. military forces could safely focus on their offensive operations.  Because of our success, we were asked by the U.S. military to work with them to help create the governing policies and procedures in effect for private security contractors today.  With a workforce made up of largely military veterans, SOC embraces its role as a support element for the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.  Beyond just security, we have also worked side-by-side with our U.S. Armed Forces to provide medical training, construction, and logistics support to partner nations in Africa and Southwest Asia.

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