
Shrink Wrap Pros

Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

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Large Open Construction

Project Information

Project Location:
Los Angeles, CA
Completed - Feb 2018
Structure Type:
Misc Project

Scope Of Work

Shrink Wrap Pros, LLC wrapped this large open construction site in Beverly Hills, CA before weather put a halt to the build. From the pre- build and planning stages- we will work hand-in-hand with your foreman and crew to make sure we execute efficiently and seamlessly. Don't let unexpected weather and/or the elements be a reason for a delayed complete date.

Job sites can continue working neatly through the rain, snow, dust/ debris, and all other elements when they use Shrink Wrap Pros, LLC's polyurethane shrink film. 

With our custom wrap jobs- no build is too small or too big to wrap!

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