Barry Swenson Builder


Santa Cruz, CA 95060

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  • Est. 1912
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Hotel De Anza

Project Information

Project Location:
San Jose, CA
Approx Contract:
Completed - Oct 1990
Structure Type:
Historic Preservation


William H. Weeks;
General Contractor:
The Carl N. Swenson Company

Scope Of Work

The Hotel De Anza dates back to February 27, 1931 and is one of Barry Swenson Builder’s iconic projects. The original construction was done by Barry’s grandfather, Carl N. Swenson, who was one of the premier builders in San Jose at the time.  Little did Carl know the project would remain in the family when years later, it would be restored and renovated by his grandson, Barry Swenson.

The hotel was originally called “The San Jose Hotel” but was soon changed to “The De Anza Hotel” in honor of the legendary explorer Juan Bautista de Anza.  The hotel’s 10 stories and 144 (now 101 rooms) rooms were built using Art Deco Mission and Spanish Colonial styles, popular at the time. These architectural details were preserved by Ron Cote’s construction team with Barry Swenson Builder who led the renovation team back in 1990. 

The hotel originally cost a total of $505,000 which is a fraction of what it cost to complete the most recent renovation. With Cote’s care and devotion to the rebahilitation project, he was able to restore a masterpiece of a hotel which we can experience and enjoy today.

Much care and devotion was taken for each and every detail of the project. Just about every aspect of San Jose’s Hotel De Anza was restored including the crown modling that was restored, windows replaced, decorative paint on the walls and ceiling brought to its original condtion. 

Below are some of the before and after photos of the historical rehabilitation.

Project Images

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