
Lazy H

Keenesburg, CO 80643

Company Info

  • Est. 2009
  • Size 5-9 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Larkin Sewer and Driveway

Project Information

Project Location:
Arvada, CO
Approx Contract:
Completed - Nov 2019
Structure Type:
Single Family Residential


Ruth Larkin

Scope Of Work

This small project we got just because we had a mini excavator big enough to dig 9' deep but small enough to fit between the house and the trees.  We dug for a new sanitary sewer line.  After the plumber installed and bedded his pipe, we backfilled and compacted the trench.  Then we hauled in some structural fill and graded for the new driveway.  We didn't have any drawings for the driveway, so we had to establish our own two axis slopes.  Because the driveway went along the side of the house, not just up to the front of it, it had to drain away from the house and flow toward the street.  Once the driveway was done, we cleaned up what was formerly the front yard because the owner was going to put in a gravel half-loop driveway as well.

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