


Fresno, CA 93720

Company Info

  • Est. 1974
  • Size 250-499 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Sunrise at Palos Verdes

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Assisted Living

Scope Of Work

The successful delivery of this challenging project – a five-story 79-unit senior living facility tucked in a hillside site in Torrance – underscores why Bernards has become Sunrise Senior Living LLC’s “go-to expert” for building high-quality residential care projects. The four-story structural steel building over one-story parking garage podium features a dining room, full kitchen, nursing office, activity rooms, spas, salon, and laundry facilities in a comfortable homelike setting.

Focused, well-coordinated “just-in-time” delivery provided the solution to the lack of laydown area and expedited off-site improvements including lane modification and traffic signal additions at the busy intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Rolling Hills Road. With numerous site challenges and unforeseen conditions, Pull Planning sessions with the Trades were crucial for keeping activities moving forward and enabling project completion 45 days ahead of schedule. Four months prior the original completion date, Sunrise Senior Living was able to showcase four units to prospective residents, resulting in the early leasing of twelve units.

To stabilize the hillside behind the building, the Bernards team constructed two retaining walls and slurry-filled a 12-foot diameter tunnel located 50-feet below.

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