


Fresno, CA 93720

Company Info

  • Est. 1974
  • Size 250-499 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Rose Bowl Stadium Renovation

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Arena / Stadium

Scope Of Work

Bernards spearheaded this extensive renovation and improvement project spanning eleven years for the historic Pasadena Rose Bowl. This multi-phased project encompassed a three-fold mission: to ensure the stadium’s continued status as a preeminent college football stadium, to maintain its National Historic Landmark designation, and to complete all construction while keeping the sports facility fully operational.

The Bernards team developed and implemented a strategic project plan that successfully facilitated construction within tight space constraints while allowing for quick response to unforeseen conditions. This proactive process provided the operating company and its tenant’s unmitigated practical use of the stadium during construction. All work was completed on time, within the owner-approved budget, and in compliance of historic preservation regulations.

Stadium renovations comprised demolition and new construction of the press box, replacement of bench and stadium seats, restored historic scoreboards, widened stadium entrance tunnels, and improved ticket booths and turnstiles. Additional upgrades included demolition of the existing locker room facilities, construction of a new subterranean locker room, construction of a new Media Center beneath the stadium subterranean field lounges, seismic upgrades, and the removal and relocation of existing terrace rock walls and mature trees to accommodate new construction.

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