
McAlister GeoScience, Inc.

Long Beach, CA 90802

Company Info

  • Est. 2012
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Marina del Rey Fuel Dock

Project Information

Project Location:
Marina del Rey, CA
Structure Type:
Gas Station

Scope Of Work

The Subject Property is located in a predominantly residential area of Marina Del Rey at the east end of Bora Bora Way.  Five underground storage tanks (USTs) are located on the south side of the Subject Property beneath a concrete slab. Fuel is supplied to the dispensers via underground piping and piping suspended beneath the boat docks.

The Subject Property was originally developed as a fuel dock facility in the early to mid-1960s. A series of subsurface investigations and groundwater monitoring well installations were performed from 1991 to 1997. The original USTs were removed in 1994. Data from previous investigations indicates the groundwater in the vicinity of the current and former USTs was impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons and fuel oxygenates.


McAlister GeoScience has been performing groundwater investigation and reporting activities since 2014.  McAlister GeoScience has added monitoring for natural attenuation parameters, developed a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) and is gathering data toward closure of the site with the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board under their low-risk closure program.  

Agency Interaction

McAlister GeoScience has developed a CSM and Remedial Action Plan (RAP) based on the results of a bench scale treatability study completed November 23, 2015. The study was designed to determine the oxidation rate of the contaminants TPHg and MtBE via in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO).

A pilot trial was proposed for application of ISCO at one injection point adjacent to monitoring well MW4.  Following Pilot-Scale Application and two rounds of semi-annual groundwater monitoring, full scale ISCO application will be performed across the impacted zone at the site.  It is anticipated that the Full-Scale Application will consist of injecting ISCO reagent in 10 to 15 points across the site to address elevated TPH, TBA and MtBE concentrations. The full-scale plan will be submitted to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board for approval and in compliance with the approved permit requirements.

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