
B & D Industries, Inc.

Chandler, AZ 85225

Company Info

  • Est. 1955
  • Size 250-499 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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AU3 PCS Installation

Project Information

Project Location:
Eunice, NM
Completed - Apr 2014
Structure Type:


Urenco Usa

Scope Of Work

B&D operated as the sole electrical and IT contractor for the installation of the Plant Control Systems (PCS) at URENCO USA. The system monitored all important operational and control circuitry for all of the enrichment processes running throughout the plant. It also consolidates the key detection and control functions and brings them back to the Control Center Complex where technicians monitor plant operations on a 24 hour basis. The system architecture and operating software are the products of Croon Industrial Systems. B&D was subcontracted by Croon IS to perform the electrical and fiber optic installations site wide at the URENCO USA uranium enrichment facility. Employees that worked on this system were required to qualify for Nuclear Regulatory Commission access credentials, as they worked in the most secure locations on site. To date, B&D has completed the installations of PCS in the Separations Building Modules 1001, 1002, and Extensions, the Security and Technical Services Buildings, the Centrifuge Assembly and Central Utilities Buildings, and the Cylinder Receipt and Dispatch Building. Installations are complete and acceptance testing is underway in the Separations Building Modules 1003 and 1004 to integrate the plant expansion areas into the existing PCS. Installation and integration of the Separations Building Modules 1005 and 1006 completed the AU3 PCS Installation project.

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