Bay Construction Co.


Traverse City, MI 49686

Company Info

  • Est. 1974
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Mid Century Cozy

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Residential Building

Scope Of Work

The challenge
A charming site with a high water table and compressible soils. Lovely and quaint contemporary design employing natural elements of brick, concrete and steel formed an environment of earthen materials. Large point loads were peppered throughout the home and those on a site with compressible soils required careful planning, vigilant oversight and direction.

The solution
Through planning and careful assessment, a substantial engineered site was properly planned and executed. Removing plastic materials (soft clay) and providing passive drainage employing separation fabrics and crushed stone, the bottom of the excavation was cut on a wedge towards the lake providing positive, passive drainage. After the excavation was leveled and brought up to foundation height, we ordered nuclear density testing to confirm our engineered bearing capacity. Confirming maximum density, prior to placing concrete, now this excellent, low-slung facade sits softly on the site and sweetly accesses the water side without steps and melding softly into its lakeside surroundings.

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