Bay Construction Co.


Traverse City, MI 49686

Company Info

  • Est. 1974
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Long Lake Retreat

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Residential Building

Scope Of Work

The challenge
Building a new home with old Long Lake charm required tremendous forethought before building a lovely, fun lake house for a young family.

The solution
This house, perfectly set on a rare generous Long Lake parcel, captures every element of potential in this setting. Each room drinks the lake in through capacious but perfectly sized windows. The home with generous eaves and exposed rafters casually appears always to have been here. Access to and from the lake is easy. Careful and thoughtful landscaping affords multiple paths to and from the dock, sandy beach and existing boat house. Value engineering maintained this home’s aesthetics while working within a framework that allowed construction to start quickly and retain all the charming elements that adorn this quaint home.

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