
North Point Builders of Maryland, LLC


Baltimore, MD 21224

Company Info

  • Est. 1988
  • Annual Vol > $50 million
  • DUNS # 364437327

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Randallstown Public Library

Project Information

Project Location:
Randallstown, MD
Completed - Jun 2017
Structure Type:


Baltimore County

Scope Of Work

North Point Builders was the Design-Build contractor for the Randallstown Branch of Baltimore County Public Libraries. Since 1948, the Baltimore County Public Library has been serving the community. The Randallstown Branch had aged to the point where there was a desperate need for technology resource upgrades. Due to the fact this library was closed during renovations, it was imperative to accelerate both design and construction. Therefore, Baltimore County contracted North Point Builders to expedite the process.

North Point Builders, our Design Team, and Baltimore County worked closely together to successfully achieve the vision for a bright, cheerful color pallet to give the library a refreshing, modern, and welcoming atmosphere in addition to providing the technological resources needed.

The 29,000 square foot open floor plan incorporates collaborative work spaces, public computers, free Wi-Fi, personal laptop docking stations, a virtual reality system, technology/maker space, enclosed children’s learning area, teen reading space, quiet room, study rooms, large meeting room, new shelving systems, and comfortable seating. The remodeled Randallstown Area Branch Library is a welcoming place for community members to congregate and enjoy.

“This $1.1 million project has transformed the popular Randallstown Branch into a state-of-the-art community hub for people to access technology and benefit from a larger collection of library materials, great children and teen spaces, an attractive meeting room and so much more,” said Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz.

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