
Polyseal Coating Solutions

Wylie, TX 75098

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Coating of a Concrete Storage Tank for the Oil & Gas Industry

Project Information

Project Location:
Spring, TX
Structure Type:
Industrial Maintenance

Scope Of Work

As a leader in industrial coating PolySeal Solutions is the single source provider of advanced coating solutions. A customer in the oil and gas industry needed a liner applied to several 25,000 square foot concrete storage tanks. These concrete tanks are used to supply fresh water for drinking along with non-potable water for fire suppression systems.

The coating system would require characteristics such as resistance to a broad range of chemicals as well as abrasion, impact, and corrosion. It would also have to bridge cracks, be highly flexible as well as being waterproof. We chose a CIM-61BG/1000TG coating system for its ability to exceed these stringent requirements.

Surface preparation included abrasive blast cleaning that met ICRI-4 standards for cleanliness, a compressed air blow down, followed by the application of an epoxy filler to float divots and pitting.

The coating application was performed utilizing our Graco Xtreme 70:1 airless sprayer, and a XP70 plural component airless sprayer with heated lines. The top coat consisted of CIM 61BG 83% solids, high build epoxy primer; followed by CIM 1000TG 100% solids asphalt modified elastomeric urethane liner. The buff colored primer coat was 8 to 10 mils thick, while the black urethane liner was 60 to 70 mils thick. This durable long lasting coating project was completed in 10 working days for this customer in Spring, Texas.

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