
Wisconsin CTi, Inc.

Green Bay, WI 54311

Company Info

  • Est. 1991
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

ProSeal 200 and SuperSeal 210- best commercial coatings

By: Bernard Mierzejewski
September 2019

Looking for best performance and cost effective industrial and commercial coatings? Now you find it.CTI provides number of solution for your business and industrial needs. We provides a full line of urethane and epoxy floors that can give an automotive service bay, warehouse floor, commercial kitchen or other industrial areas a tough, chemical resistant floor that is easy to clean, dust free and gives the are sharp, clean look. Our urethane and epoxy floors will also withstand airplane traffic and heavy machinery to keep your work area looking great.In addition we can put your company's logo and other designs to create a look that is one of a kind. Our chemical resistant urethane- ProSeal 200 withstand forklift traffic, vehicular traffic and is abrasion resistant. Parking lot stripping can be done also with our Superseal 210 and will not fade or peel off after a year.

Best commercial coatings!!!!

ProSeal and SuperSeal from CTI.

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