


New York, NY 10065

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UN Loading Dock and Kennels

Project Information

Project Location:
Manhattan, NY
Structure Type:
Office Building


Brickens Construction Inc & UN

Scope Of Work

Scope of Work: New heavy duty flooring system for loading dock and dog kennel areas

Flooring System: Sika Epo-rok @ 1/4 inch thick with a Sika 264 Epoxy seal coat

Overview: The loading dock and kennel area floors needed new finished surfaces as part of an overall refurbishment of the space. The new floors would be expected to withstand heavy loads from pallet trucks and fork lifts and also various types of liquid spills, be durable and seamless for ease of maintenance.

Challenges: Schedule was important as the area is critical to the operation of the building and the work had to be done during out of buiness hours to tight deadlines from the construction manager Brickens.

Materials: Sika Epo-Rok trowel Mortar system and Sika 264 Thixotropic Epoxy Coating

Benefits of Flooring System:

Slip resistant surface:

High wearing

Excellent Impact resistance

Resists heavy duty loads and steel wheeled traffic

Good chemical and mechanical resistance

Durable, impermeable and seamless

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