
Kiewit Infrastructure South Co.


Fort Lauderdale, FL 33323

Company Info

  • Est. 1884
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Northern Rail Extension - Salcha, Alaska

Project Information

Project Location:
Salcha, AL
Structure Type:
Terminal - Airport / Bus / Railroad

Scope Of Work

Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. completed preconstruction and construction on the Alaska Railroad Corp.’s Northern Rail Extension Phase 1 project in Salcha, Alaska. The scope included building an 11,000-foot levee along the eastern bank of the Tanana River and a 3,300-foot-long bridge over it. The bridge is now the longest in Alaska.

Extreme weather, limited daylight, changing river channels and the project’s remote location in the interior of Alaska all required strategic planning and innovative ideas from the project team. Crews installed more than 9,500 feet of 6-foot-diameter pile, 12,500 cubic yards of concrete, and 7,300 tons of structure steel girder and decking.

Kiewit completed the project two and a half months early and under budget.

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