

Ardmore, PA 19003

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Really Old Warehouses

Project Information

Project Location:
Philadelphia, PA
Structure Type:
Storage Facility / Warehouse

Scope Of Work

When we started with SandFree™ we expected to use it on wood that was typical of 75% of the floors that we see – basically good condition but with a finish that was dirty, dull, thin, or partially worn away. The success that we’ve had with floors of this type has emboldened us, and our customers who have asked us to try the process on damaged floors. The floor below is the most extreme of the floors that we’re doing.

This floor is typical of a lot of buildings in Philadelphia that are being reclaimed and having their use converted – it was in order, a warehouse, office building, retail store, warehouse, and then unoccupied. During re-construction – a conversion to a restaurant with a nautical theme – the walls were sprayed gray, and the floor wasn’t protected. So, in addition to a couple of decades of neglect, the floor was also painted.

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