
Modern Door & Equipment Sales, Inc.


Ashland, VA 23005

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Our Story

Modern Door & Equipment Sales, Inc., is a specialty subcontractor that represents the best products in space management solutions. We are a proud distributor of Modernfold operable partitions and glass walls, Skyfold custom powerlift partitions, La Cantina doors, Dorma Glas movable walls, Dorma Interior office fronts & Draper athletic equipment.

Moderndoor & Equipment Sales, Inc., is a full service company, which offers complete turnkey installation including overhead support work if desired. We employ our own crew of certified carpenters who perform all work. We do commercial work for a variety of markets including hospitality, religious facilities, schools and education and businesses of all kinds.

Modern Door & Equipment Sales is a proud founding member of the Independent Distributor Network of North America (IDNNA).  The IDNNA represents the leading distributors of space management products throughout North America.  If you’d like to learn more, please visit IDNNA’s website at http://www.idnna.com.

What We Do

Regions & Counties Serviced

  • Virginia
Service Area and Locations Map for Modern Door & Equipment Sales, Inc.
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