
Pacific Masonry Restorations LLC

San Francisco, CA 94111

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Carmel Mission

Project Information

Project Location:
Carmel, CA
Structure Type:
Historic Preservation


Diocese of Monterey
ARG Conservation Services
General Contractor:
ARG Conservation Services
Diocese of Monterey

Scope Of Work

Carmel Mission:

Originally constructed in the late 18th century, Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo also known as Carmel Mission or Mission Carmel is the second mission built in California.  Father Junipero Serra used Camel as the headquarters for all the missions of Alta California until his death in 1784. By the mid-19th century, the mission began to fall into disrepair but was restored for the first time in 1884. The Carmel Mission is the only mission in California to have its original bell tower dome. In 1931, curator Harry Downie undertook a major mission restoration. Some consider Carmel Mission one of the most authentically restored missions in California.

ARG Conservation Services was hired to survey the existing conditions of the Mission and prepare a report with recommendations for conservation. The visual survey of the tower and dome found that the exterior masonry and plaster was deteriorated and de-bonding.  This conditions included cracks, stone deterioration, incipient spalls, and detachment of finishes.

ARG/CS was subsequently retained to execute conservation treatments for the historic masonry fabric.  This work included stabilization of the tower finials, conservation of the historic stucco, repointing of masonry, crack stabilization and repairs to decorative stone elements.  Stabilization of the buttresses included cleaning and repointing of mortar joints with an appropriately designed mortar. All stucco and mortars used in the conservation work were based upon laboratory analysis of the original material and on-site testing.  This assured that the conservation treatments were compatible with the physical characteristics of the historic fabric.  

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