

Anaheim, CA 92801

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Banner Stands for Hyundai

Project Information

Project Location:
Irvine, CA
Completed - May 2008
Structure Type:
Misc Project

Scope Of Work

“We need an inexpensive way to display graphics for a traveling event.” That was the request made to Photomation’s Account Executive Ralph Love by our client 3TP. Hyundai sponsors Hope on Wheels, a charity event to raise funds for Pediatric Cancer Research.

Working with the client, Ralph sourced a banner stand to meet their needs. It is a simple, easy and effective way to bring their message to their customers. Photomation created the banners and added a grommet to each corner. These stands are on display in dealerships and at car shows like the LA Auto Show and Inland Empire Auto show.

In addition to creating the graphics, Photomation also coordinated the distribution of them and shipped the units across the country.

To find out more about the campaign, or to make a donation, go to www.hopeonwheels.com.

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