
Dan Vos Construction Co.


Ada, MI 49301

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Company Info

  • Est. 1951
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol $20 million - $50 million

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Warner Building

Project Information

Project Location:
Grand Rapids, MI
Structure Type:
Office Building

Scope Of Work

Warner Norcross is the anchor tenant in the mixed-use development, which includes a 15-story office building,12-story hotel, ground-floor retail and restaurant space.

The project was bid out 12 months ahead of start of construction. The white box build out was bid out before the ‘box’ existed, as the construction of the mid-rise was still underway. The project was completed in 7 months from start to finish. The completion date was important to the owner due to an ended lease of the old office. Move in of employees was coordinated gradually by turning over one floor at a time so that by Friday, October 14th all employees could complete their move from the old location to their new offices.


Material delivery logistics required an installation of an exterior elevator and temporary deck platform to hoist and deliver 10 foot high drywall, office glass,     large office doors and a large fireplace including:


8,000 sheets of drywall

17,000 SF of interior glass (72,000 pounds of glass)

2,233 custom size ceiling tiles

4,113.5 SF of wood ceilings

347 pails of joint compound (5-gallon pails)

9,040 feet of pipe (cast iron, copper, pvc) equal to 1.71 miles.

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