
D.E. Scorpio Corp.


Gainesville, FL 32607

Company Info

  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Solaria II Luxury Apartments

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Apartments & Condominiums

Scope Of Work

Solaria II is a 16-unit luxury student residence with 41 bedrooms located close to the UF campus. The units include natural Alder Wood cabinets with granite tops, high-end appliances, wine stations, crown and base molding throughout. To the exterior, a formal courtyard features an intricately designed mosaic fountain that offers students a tranquil environment for studying and reflection. The exterior architecture is Mediterranean in style, featuring clay tile roof lines, ornate ceramic tiling, wrought iron detailing, and heavy timber arbors to enhance the courtyard and elevated porches. This project was built-in on an extremely tight site and congested neighborhood located in mid-town Gainesville. It required the installation of stormwater management systems located under the building to make it feasible for the project to be built. The complex site logistics and systems of this project demonstrate our ability to overcome any project challenge.


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