
D.E. Scorpio Corp.


Gainesville, FL 32607

Company Info

  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Innovation Square Office Renovations

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Office Building

Scope Of Work

This series of office renovations generally consisted of gutting interiors down to bare walls. Inside, spaces were divided by fire-rated demising walls separating tenants. New aluminum framed doors and windows brightened the interior with natural daylight and the roof systems were replaced entirely. The spaces included interior storefront walls to bring the newly introduced daylight into the core of the building. Painted exposed structural joists finished the ceilings, carpet and ceramic tile floors completed the interior spaces which include a reception area, conference rooms, private offices, break room, and restrooms adjacent to an open office floor plan. These spaces accommodate tenants of various business types, many recent graduates from nearby incubator space, truly creating a “Main Street USA.”

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