
Advanced Fire Protection Systems

Baltimore, MD 21227

Company Info

  • Est. 1989
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol $6 million - $10 million

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Ft. McHenry

Project Information

Project Location:
Approx Contract:
Completed - Dec 2010
Structure Type:
Historic Preservation


Not Provided
Not Provided
General Contractor:
Not Provided

Scope Of Work

Working within the confines of the Fort McHenry Star Fort, AFPS installed new fire water mains and complete fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems in four historic buildings inside the Fort. This required close coordination with the contracting officer’s representative (COR) and building occupants to assure minimal disruption, while still maintaining the Fort’s full access by the public and safe separation between visitors and our work areas. The project also involved removing, storing, and replacing historic pavers that were to be disturbed by our underground work. We worked closely with the COR to route indoor piping and conduits in the least obtrusive manner. After the piping was installed, it was painted to blend into the exposed structure and other finishes.

Fort McHenry is open to visitors year round, at times accommodating 30 or more bus loads of school children per day. No special accommodations were made in the visitor schedule because of our work. AFPS was entirely responsible for trench guarding and other work area safety measures to assure that none of these visitors were at risk.

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