
BOND Brothers


New Haven, CT 06513

Company Info

  • Est. 1907
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Veolia Steam Manhole Construction

Project Information

Project Location:
Boston, MA
Structure Type:
Renewable Energy


Veolia Energy Boston, Inc.

Scope Of Work


Veolia Energy  America operates and maintains the largest steam infrastructure in the cities of Boston and Cambridge, delivering 2.8 million pounds of hot water to over 250 customers. To keep these district energy networks operating at peak performance and efficiency, Veolia has partnered with BOND through the years to make significant upgrades at key locations. One of these projects was Veolia’s Steam Manhole Reconstruction project. BOND was engaged to deliver an urban excavation effort to restore two live Veolia manholes and rebuild steam anchors and surrounding streetscape.


Site located in Boston’s busy  End, at Harold and Tremont Streets, leading to strict public safety requirements

Work completed in live manholes while keeping existing city utilities operable

Fast-track, three-month schedule to minimize disruption


Collaboration with the City of Boston to determine and isolate public work zones and schedule extended shifts

Careful planning and teamwork to support existing walls with timber sheets during manhole demolition

Installation of temporary protection to protect adjacent live steam systems

Coordination with City to meet requirements for gravel and asphalt placement and manhole castings

Utilization of strong City relationships to expedite schedule and deliver cost savings


Project completed on time within an aggressive schedule

New manholes delivered as part of a larger Green Steam initiative that will reduce Boston’s greenhouse emissions by 25% by the year 2020

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