
BOND Brothers


New Haven, CT 06513

Company Info

  • Est. 1907
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Providence Public Library

Project Information

Project Location:
Providence, RI
Approx Contract:
In-Progress - Jan 2020
Structure Type:


Providence Public Library
designLAB architects

Scope Of Work

Providence Public Library (PPL) selected BOND as construction manager for the state’s largest-ever public library renovation. The $25 million project will transform the Library’s 1950s wing, auditorium, and special collection areas to provide 21st-century library services for Providence and Rhode Island residents. The 83,000-square foot renovation will address required life safety systems upgrades and make major infrastructure improvements to PPL’s downtown buildings (150 Empire Street). The project began September 2018 and will take place in stages over approximately 15 months.


Maintain an aggressive schedule to deliver renovations by late 2019 or early 2020

Minimize disruption to an active library during construction

Manage logistical challenges of a tight site in a busy area of the city

Significant structural modifications to create a new atrium as well as upgrades to the building’s mechanical systems


Utilize laser scanning technology to accurately confirm existing conditions and provide a level of certainty regarding MEP modifications

Creation of detail mitigation plans and protocols to ensure safe conditions

Multi-phased approach will allow renovations to be constructed without disrupting library activities

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