
BOND Brothers


New Haven, CT 06513

Company Info

  • Est. 1907
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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National Grid, Solar Arrays Dorchester

Project Information

Project Location:
Dorchester, MA
Structure Type:
Renewable Energy


National Grid

Scope Of Work


A leading advocate of solar generation in the Northeast for decades, National Grid has expanded their commitment to renewable energy with the construction of several solar arrays throughout Massachusetts. BOND was engaged to provide self-performed civil infrastructure services for the Dorchester Solar Power Project, the largest of National Grid’s solar efforts. 4,466 solar panels were installed on the 34-acre former brownfield site of manufactured gas plant (MGP) adjacent to National Grid’s landmark liquefied natural gas (LNG) tank. BOND’s crews completed all civil, site, and concrete work for the 1.2 megawatt PV array.


Safe disposal of contaminated soils due to the site’s former use as an MGP plant

Work completed adjacent to the busy I-93 corridor in the Greater Boston area

Fast-track, three-month schedule to minimize disruption


Close coordination with National Grid’s Community Relations representatives to develop and enforce noise, dust, safety, and traffic mitigation plans

Development of a contaminated soils handling plan, including identification of an off-site disposal location


Successful delivery of National Grid’s largest solar array in Massachusetts that delivers 1600 MWh worth of energy per year

Completed within a condensed schedule with no disruption to adjacent highway or Commercial Point Gas Plant

Positive environmental impact through the reduction of 4,000 pounds of sulfur dioxide, 1,800 pounds of nitrous oxide, and 1.8 million pounds of carbon dioxide over a 30 year period

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