B.L. Harbert International LLC


Birmingham, AL 35253

Company Info

  • Est. 1949
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol $1 million - $3 million

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Dynetics Hardware Integration Facility

Project Information

Project Location:
Decatur, AL
Structure Type:
Terminal - Airport / Bus / Railroad


Dynetics, Inc.

Scope Of Work

The Dynetics Hardware Integration Facility’s (HIF) primary function is to assemble, integrate, and test NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) Universal Stage Adapter (USA).

This critical piece of NASA flight hardware connects the Orion spacecraft (crew capsule) to the exploration upper stage (EUS) as well as provides cargo space for the Block 1B manned variant of the NASA SLS rocket. The HIF also has the capability to perform structural testing of large spacecraft structures which verifies the capability of withstanding the extreme forces experienced during launch and ascent to orbit. The new facility will play a key role in supporting the NASA manned spaceflight program as well as the Department of Defense and various commercial launch vehicles.

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